ICA:UK currently focuses on four areas of activity:
- Facilitation Training– we have a programme of regular public and bespoke in-house courses teaching facilitation skills and methods, using our Technology of Participation (ToP) approach.
- Support for Citizen Activists – offering facilitation training and support to people involved in campaigning and activism to help them engage and collaborate more effectively
- Capacity Development with aligned organisations in the UK, Europe and Africa – offering financial and capacity-building support for our partners.
- Understanding better the contribution and impact of facilitation– ongoing research into the difference our work is making, combined with more broad-based desk-research in the wider sector.
Underpinning all our activities is an intention to Build our Community of people motivated by and committed to our vision, mission and values.
Support for Community Activists
In response to the growing number of activist groups emerging in the UK, and in recognition that, in order to be effective, such groups can benefit from facilitation and planning skills, ICA:UK launched a programme in 2018 to provide support to such groups, free/at minimal cost to participants.
To date, we have:
- Run a pilot course in Cardiff for 14 local activists
- Supported the CtrlShift 2019 conference with design and facilitation advice