A short update from ICA:UK’s Board of Trustees:
Like many other organisations, ICA:UK has found it hard adjusting to the realities of life after the pandemic.
The downward trend in the training market that started during the pandemic has continued. Alongside this, the Cost of Living crisis and the challenge of high inflation have meant that we have had to spend more of the charity’s reserves than we anticipated just over a year ago.
As ICA:UK trustees we have recently had to take the difficult decision to reduce the size of the charity by making our two employees, Clare Vermes and Alice Blackwell, redundant and closing our physical office and landline later this year.
However, as we embed these changes, we will of course ensure that all scheduled 2023 courses run as planned, and In partnership with a team of experienced ICA:UK Associates we intend to run a full programme of courses in 2024.
We will also continue to manage funding for the Village Volunteers programme and Tujiendeleze Youth Trust Fund in Africa as part of our charitable mission.
In addition Sticky Walls will still be available through our website.
The decision to reduce the size of the charity coincided with the departure of the Director, Maria Franchi, who has helped ICA:UK navigate the difficult waters of the last two years.
We wish to pay our thanks to Maria, Clare and Alice for their service over the years.
Looking to the future, we believe that enabling individuals to participate more effectively in societies, communities and organisations remains a vital cause.
We also believe that our shared values and our Technology of Participation (ToP) training can continue to play a significant role in delivering on our core purpose over the coming years. With this in mind, we are working closely with lead ToP trainers to develop a new model for ICA:UK. This involves finding a new way to deliver innovative ToP training whilst ensuring that the charity continues to deliver benefit to communities in the UK and around the world.
There are sure to be further challenges ahead, but we are confident that with the combined efforts of the trainers, trustees and supporters we can build a new model for ICA:UK.
Our aim is that this model will be resilient in the short term and will allow our work to grow and flourish once more.
We would like to thank you for your continued support, and would welcome the opportunity to gather insights from friends and partners around the world about the journey we are on and how we can successfully ensure ICA:UK’s future as new opportunities emerge.
To contact us on any of the matters above, please email us at trustees@ica-uk.org.uk.