How to energise your group or team and manage online fatigue
We have all been experiencing an unprecedented period and scale of virtual interactions in recent times. While the transition to online sessions has allowed home working for so many in business, education, community groups, interest groups, family etc., these virtual sessions can be extremely hard, both physically and mentally; many people are talking about experiencing ‘online fatigue’.
If you work with groups or teams on ANY online platform this active two hour course, will introduce you to a toolkit of energiser activities that will give your group a boost and help manage their concentration, mood and engagement. All of our energiser activities require minimal or no prior set up and can be used as and when needed during online sessions. The activities are very flexible, and each is designed as a quick stand-alone activity to manage engagement and energy levels.
We will facilitate a discussion using ToP’s Focused Conversation Method to explore how to manage the energy and engagement of participants online, how to use energisers purposefully during sessions, the difference between energisers and icebreakers and how to select suitable energisers for different contexts.
We will be using the Zoom platform. Your experience will be very much enhanced if you use a laptop with camera and microphone.
The course will allow participants to:
- Experience and learn 12 different online energisers for groups of all sizes
- Be introduced to ToP’s highly effective Focused Conversation Method
- Explore the difference between using icebreakers and energisers in online settings
- Learn how to better manage group energy and mood
- Acquire a toolkit of excellent virtual online engagement methods
- Participants will receive an electronic copy of the course materials.
Upcoming dates for this course: